
The Brass Crescent Awards, a joint project of altmuslim and City of Brass, is an annual awards ceremony that honors the best writers and thinkers of the emerging Muslim blogosphere (aka the Islamsphere). Nominations are taken from blog readers, who then vote for the winners.

and if you don't nominate me (because i am so new for one reason!) then at least take some time out to nominate one of yourFAVORITE muslim blogs!
may Allaah reward you and all of the muslims, aamiin!
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Sunday, September 16, 2007

welcome to the "little black blog"

as-salaamu `alaikum yaa muslimiin
was-salaamu `ala manit-taba` al huda yaa kaafiriin

(the peace be upon you, oh muslims
and the peace be upon those who accept the guidance, oh infidels.)

welcome to my blog!

within this blogg i hope to address some of the issues which arise today in the media, and in other places, that are being disputed, for no just reason, from the teachings of islaam.

the purpose of the blogg, i hope, insha'Allaah, is to open peoples eyes to what islaam really teaches, and to smash to pieces the claims of the "so-called modernists" that certain issues do not apply in the "modern world"....

well, seeing as though islaam is the final religion revealed by Allaah most High, the laws and teachings within it are to be followed and obeyed UNTILL THE END OF TIME
(which i do not think has happened just yet, do you???)

any good that i say within this blogg is from Allaah, and anything bad or wrong that i may say is from myself and shaytaan.

okeydokey, let's get BLOGGIN'!
lol : P


Anonymous said...

assalamualaikum, may god bless us all..
thanks to Allah for His Merciful and Hidayah to u and yur family...
i'm just a student from malaysia...and when i opened yur blog... I knew that i had a new 'relatives' in Islam,from U.K. right?
I'm just want to say it is Allah that the only one that give us hidayah... and u are one of the choosen....... alhamdulillah!!!!

Anonymous said...

eh.. good thread..

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